Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 7: 2/18


To do something for someone (usually you)

Receiver's point of view


Verb[て]+ くれる
Verb[ないで]+ くれる

Politeness Levels


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About てくれる

The verb ()れる in Japanese, is very similar to (あた)える (to bestow). The primary difference is that ()れる (primarily written in hiragana) means to 'bestow to the speaker' (or someone in the speakers inner circle).
In this way, てくれる is the opposite of てあげる, which conveys that someone (usually the speaker) gives (an action) to another person that is outside of their inner circle. てくれる is commonly translated as 'would you do (A) for me', as a question, or 'someone did (A) for me', as a statement.
  • おばあちゃんいつも美味(おい)(はん)(つく)てくれる
    Grandma always makes delicious food for us!
  • 友達(ともだち)旅行(りょこう)から(かえ)てくる土産(みやげ)()()てくれる
    When my friend comes back from vacation, they bring me souvenirs.
  • パパ、電気(でんき)()てくれる
    Dad, can you turn the lights off for me?
When asking for a favor, てくれる can be shortened to てくれ. However, this is very casual, and should not be used with strangers (or anyone that you do not know well). As an English equivalent, てくれ sounds similar to phrases like 'would ya do (A)', or 'could ya do (A)?'
  • (ねが)から(いそ)でくれ
    I'm begging you, could ya hurry it up (for me)?
Fun Fact
てくれる is one of the most casual ways to ask for a favor, with てもらう being slightly more polite. ていただく (the humble speech variation of てくれる) is even more polite than either of these!
  • 遊園地(ゆうえんち)()()てくれる
    Someone will take me to the amusement park. (They are taking me for my benefit)
  • 遊園地(ゆうえんち)()()てもらう
    Someone is taking me to the amusement park. (I am having someone take me)
  • 遊園地(ゆうえんち)()()(いただ)
    Someone is taking me to the amusement park. (I am being bestowed the act of being taken)


  • あのグラスここ()ってきてくれ

    Would you bring me that glass?

    • (わたし)友達(ともだち)いつも相談(そうだん)()てくれる

      My friend always does me the favor of listening to my problems.

      • (わたし)(あい)てくれます

        Will you love me?

        • ()べる(まえ)テーブル(うえ)綺麗(きれい)てくれます

          Before we eat, could you clean the table for me?

          • ママ()きやすいペン()てくれた

            My mom bought a pen that is easy to write with. (For me)

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            てくれる – Grammar Discussion

            Most Recent Replies (28 in total)

            • FredKore


              In English, I know all these polite expressions sound kinda the same, but you’ll have to fight that urge to call them the same thing in Japanese.

              So between くれて (shortened from polite くれてください) and くれる? (casual くれる that’s turned into a question), I’ll use this example to show the feelings that go with them.

              Imagine someone asking you to lend them a book, 本を貸す(ほんをかす)…
              From my boss:
              貸してくれて – はい (inside voice: ok, sure)
              貸してくれる? – はい (inside voice: why is he being so chummy?)
              From my friend:
              貸してくれて – うん (inside voice: sure, we’re friends. no problem)
              貸してくれる?-- いいよ (i...

            • FredKore


              If you’re really curious, here’s a related thread…
              So, how do you ask for a favor?

            • bokudake


              Before we eat, could you clean the table for me?

              Why is this wrong?

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