Grammar Info

N4 Lesson 4: 15/18


I heard that


Phrase + ()いた

Verb + ()いた
[い]Adjective + ()いた
[な]Adjective + () + ()いた
Noun + () + ()いた


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About ときいた

When the particle is used for citation in Japanese, it is regularly partnered with other verbs, to form set phrases. One of these set expressions is ()いた, which means 'I heard that (A)'.
()いた may be used after any phrase expressing the thing that was heard.
  • 来年(らいねん)から先輩(せんぱい)(わたし)(おな)じマンション()()いた
    I heard that starting next year, my senpai is going to live in the same apartment that I do.
  • 北海道(ほっかいどう)(ふゆ)沖縄(おきなわ)(ふゆ)より(さむ)()いた
    I heard that winter in Hokkaido is colder than winter in Okinawa.
  • 友達(ともだち)からあなた(うた)のが上手(じょうず)()いた
    I heard from a friend that you are good at singing.
  • 社長(しゃちょう)息子(むすこ)もう大学生(だいがくせい)()いた
    I heard that the son of the company president is already a college student.
is often omitted after nouns and な-Adjectives when used with ときいた in casual conversation. While this sounds perfectly normal, it is technically not correct Japanese.
  • あなた(およ)のが下手(へた)()いたけど本当(ほんとう)なの
    I heard that you are bad at swimming, but is that true?
  • あれ世界一(せかいいち)(たか)(やま)()いた
    I heard that that mountain over there is the tallest in the world.


  • 明日(あした)テストがある()いた

    I heard that there is a test tomorrow.

    • これ無理(むり)()いた

      I heard that this is impossible.

      • トム旅館(りょかん)()ったことがない()いた

        I heard that Tom has never been to a ryokan.

        • 市内(しない)あるスーツ()(やす)()いた

          I heard that suit shops in the city are cheap.

          • (ちか)映画館(えいがかん)スクリーン一番(いちばん)(おお)きい()いた

            I heard that the screens at the movie theater nearby are the biggest.

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            ときいた – Grammar Discussion

            Most Recent Replies (3 in total)

            • PowerAWBS


              What is the difference between と聞いた and らしい?

            • Munzu


              I’ve been wondering the same. I had this question:


              When I input らしい, it got marked as wrong. Can anyone explain to me why it’s wrong?

            • LotBlind


              Seems maybe the sentences given for this grammar point (and the other related ones) should be revised to either allow for more right answers (also だそうだ, e.g. これは無理だそうだ。), or if that’s somehow wrong, to react to that wrong answer in some way.

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