Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 6: 17/17


~and ~and, Keep ~ing, One after another, So much, So many, One after another


Verb[る]+ + Verb[る]+ (*)

(*) The same verb has to be repeated


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About わ〜わ

is an adverbial particle that is commonly used in cases of stress of emphasis in Japanese. When appearing after the dictionary form of a verb that is being repeated, it highlights a large amount, something happening successively, or more and more. It will often be translated as 'more and more (A)', '(A) keeps on happening', or 'so much (A)'. わ~わ may be used either positively or negatively.
To use this structure, simply place after the verb, and then repeat the same verb with a second .
  • もう、昨日(きのう)子供達(こどもたち)喧嘩(けんか)して()()大変(たいへん)だったんだから。
    Oh my god, it was so hectic yesterday because the kids got into a fight and cried so much.
  • ()()()ったのはいいけど、家中(いえじゅう)にはゴキブリがいるいる多分(たぶん)自分(じぶん)じゃ(なん)もできないから業者(ぎょうしゃ)(たの)むしかなさそう。
    I bought a vacant house, and that's exciting, but there are so many cockroaches all over the house. I probably won't be able to do anything myself, so I will have to call someone.
  • (わたし)息子(むすこ)なんて、部活(ぶかつ)(はじ)めてからというもの()べる()べる食費(しょくし)心配(しんぱい)だよ。
    Ever since my son has started after school activities, he eats so much that I am worried about the cost of food.
わ~わ primarily emphasizes the speaker's surprise in regard to the amount or extent of (A). This structure is predominantly used by men, but it may also sometimes be used by women. However, there are several different variations of わ depending on where they appear in sentences, each of which have gender usage tendencies that will need to be learned.
In many cases where a する verb is being used with わ~わ, the second instance of the action will be omitted, with する appearing by itself. For example, instead of 勉強(べんきょう)する勉強(べんきょう)する, 勉強(べんきょう)するする would be used.
  • あの()医者(いしゃ)になりたいって()めてから、毎日(まいにち)勉強(べんきょう)するする
    Ever since he has decided that he wants to be a doctor, he studies a lot.
Fun Fact
is simply an emphatic version of the usual は adverbial particle, and originates from は being changed to . Due to this, the literal meaning can be thought of as a stronger version of the standard 'as for (A)' meaning of は. This would come across something like 'as for (A), it did (A)', with the repetition itself adding to the emphasis.


  • 病院(びょういん)入院(にゅういん)てた(とき)、いろいろ検査(けんさ)たらまあ、()()…((おも)った以上(いじょう)こと指摘(してき)され)。」

    'When I was in the hospital, they did various tests and, well, they just kept coming up...' (the results that were worse than expected)

    • 新婚(しんこん)旅行(りょこう)から(もど)たらメールボックス郵便物(ゆうびんぶつ)があるある、つかえてしまって()()ことができなかった。」

      'When we got back from our honeymoon, there was so much mail in the mailbox that it was stuck and I couldn't pull it out.'

      • 子供(こども)(ころ)()()。なだめ大変(たいへん)だった。」

        'Our child fell and cried so much that it was hard to calm her down.'

        • 先輩(せんぱい)面白(おもしろ)のなんのって(しゃべ)(わら)(わら)。」

          'Senpai is so funny, that I laugh so much whenever he talks.'

          • ちょっとからかっだけで、あいつ(おこ)(おこ)。」

            'He gets so angry just by teasing him a bit.'

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