Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 6: 15/17


When, Occasion, Opportunity, Time

Rarely written as 折りに


Verb + (おり)(に(1)
[い]Adjective + (おり)(に(1)
[な]Adjective + + (おり)(に(1)
Noun + + (おり)(に(1)



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About 折には

When the noun (おり) 'fold' or 'pleat' is used adverbially with the case marking particle に, it indicates a time which may be used as an opportunity to do something. It is often translated as 'on the occasion of (A)', or 'when the chance of (A) comes up'. It is an expression that is primarily used as a formal, positive alternative for (とき)に, but there are times that it may indicate something negative.
(おり)に may be seen after any structure that could connect to a noun, but will primarily appear after verbs in their standard forms, or nouns followed by の.
  • こちらの旅館(りょかん)にいらっしゃる(おり)には事前(じぜん)予約(よやく)をお(ねが)いいたします。
    On the occasion that you will visit our ryokan, please make a booking before the fact.
  • 今度(こんど)()いした(おり)旅行(りょこう)()った(とき)のお土産(みやげ)をお(わた)しします。
    When the chance comes up that we meet again soon, I'll give you the present that I got when I went on a trip.
  • 卒業(そつぎょう)(おり)担任(たんにん)先生(せんせい)手紙(てがみ)(わた)そうと(おも)っている。
    On the opportunity of my graduation, I am thinking that I'd like to give a letter to the teacher that was looking after me.
Additionally, (おり)に may occasionally appear as (おり)には, but the additional は if often omitted.
In most cases, (おり)に will be used to indicate things that happen 'from time to time', rather than one off events.
(おり)に appears in several common expressions that each have a slightly different meaning.
(おり)(ふれ)れて - On the occasion of (A), always (B).
(おり)があれば - If there is the chance of (A), (B).
(おり)()て - When the conditions are good for (A).
(おり)(おり) - At the exact moment of (A).


  • 自伝(じでん):「(はじ)めてのパリへの出張(しゅっちょう)(おり)にはルーヴル美術館(びじゅつかん)()()った。」

    Autobiography: 'On the occasion of my first trip to Paris, I stopped by the Louvre museum for a short visit.'

    • 手紙(てがみ)名誉(めいよ)あるゲストの(さい)招待(しょうたい):「北海道(ほっかいどう)にいらした(おり)是非(ぜひ)()りください!」

      A letter, re-invitation of a reputable guest: 'Please, make sure to drop by when you come to Hokkaido.'

      • 自伝(じでん):「京都(きょうと)への観光(かんこう)旅行(りょこう)(おり)(えき)偶然(ぐうぜん)小学校(しょうがっこう)先生(せんせい)()った。」

        Autobiography: 'On the occasion of a sightseeing trip to Kyoto, I came across my elementary school teacher at the train station.'

        • メール本社(ほんしゃ)上司(じょうし)に:「お(ひま)(おり)ぜひ()支店(してん)にお()しください。」

          E-mail to a superior from the head office: 'Please, make sure to come to our branch when you are free.'

          • 献辞(けんじ):「(おり)()れて相談(そうだん)()って(くだ)さった、敬愛(けいあい)してやまない友人(ゆうじん)黒木(くろき)智子(ともこ)さん(こころ)から感謝(かんしゃ)いたします。」

            Dedication: 'I am grateful from the bottom of my heart to my friend I greatly respect, Tomoko Kuroki, who has helped me wherever the occasion arose. '

            折に触れて is a set expression meaning 'every time one can' or 'whenever possible'.

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            折には – Grammar Discussion

            Most Recent Replies (2 in total)

            • andrewkfiedler


              For the question: メール、本社の上司に:「お暇____ぜひ我が支店にお越しください。」

              I was thinking の + based on の being a noun, but since it is an adjective as well it’s supposed to be な.

              Is it possible both are correct? Or does the context make hima an adjective in this case?

            • nekoyama


              Normally, only な is used.

              暇 is always a na adjective since that’s a property of the word, it’s just not always used adjectivally. But in this case it is.

              But in a sense, “context” also plays a role. For some reason the na adjective 暇 tends to be used with な with words like 折 or 時 and in many other cases, while the na adjective 多忙 (opposite of 暇) uses の like in ご多忙の折.

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