Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 7: 19/21

()うまでもない ②

It goes without saying, It is needless to say, Of course, Obviously


()までもない + こと(1) + が + Phrase

(Phrase (A)) + ()までもなく + Phrase (B)

(Phrase (A)) + ()までもない + (2) + Phrase (B)

(2) けれどもけれどけどもけど


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About 言うまでもない ②

Unlike は()うまでもない, which usually comes after other phrases, ()うまでもない tends to come at the beginning. It is a structure that combines the う - Verb ()う, two (2) adverbial particles まで and も, and the い-Adjective ない. This is regularly translated as 'it goes without saying that (A)', or 'it is needless to say (A)', where (A) is whatever comes later in the sentence.
()うまでもない is often followed directly by ことだが, が, けど, and similar expressions, to add the nuance of 'but'.
  • ()うまでもないことだが毎日(まいにち)漢字(かんじ)勉強(べんきょう)すれどんどん漢字(かんじ)(おぼ)えることができる
    It goes without saying that if you practice kanji everyday, you will steadily memorize them.
  • 電化(でんか)製品(せいひん)使(つか)っている(あいだ)()うまでもないが()れた()(みず)(まわ)使(つか)危険(きけん)
    While you are using electronics, it is needless to say that you should not use them with wet hands or around water.
  • ()うまでもないけど(きみ)()えて()かった。
    It goes without saying, but I am glad that I met you.
Fun Fact
()うまでもない is a polite way to express that something is 'obvious', without unintentionally sounding arrogant.
  • ()うまでもないことだが、お(さけ)()んで運転(うんてん)てはいけない
    Obviously, you should not drink and drive.


  • A:「あの(ちか)づいちゃいけない動物(どうぶつ)っているの?」

    A: 'Hey, are there any animals I shouldn't approach?'
    B: 'Hmm, lions and snakes go without saying, but hippos are also dangerous.'

    言うまでもなく, 言うまでもないが and 言うまでもないけど can be used as 'not only' or 'but also'.

    • ()までもないことだが文章(ぶんしょう)()みやすくするために、括弧(かっこ)使(つか)われている。

      It goes without saying that brackets are used to make reading easier.

      • さだおさん(つま)のえみさん英語(えいご)()までもなく韓国語(かんこくご)(はな)せます。

        Sadao-san's wife, Emi-san can speak Korean, not to mention English.

        • ()までもないけどそれ(こい)だった。

          It goes without saying, but that was love.

          • ()までもないことだが、アルコールを()んで(およ)いだら、(おぼ)れて()んでしまうかもしれない。

            It goes without saying that if you drink and go swimming, then you might drown.

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            言うまでもない ② – Grammar Discussion

            Most Recent Replies (5 in total)

            • EdBunpro


              That’s what I initially picked up on too, but was confused how the overall sentences meaning changed. Thanks for the examples!

            • chrischriskurisu


              Can you help me understand something about the sample sentence いうまでもないけど、それが恋こいだった ?

              Your rules say that if the phrase starts with 言うまでもない directly, then it should be followed by こと/の+だが、

              And yet when I answered 言うまでもないことが、ぞれが恋恋だった?, it was marked wrong.

              Didn’t I follow your rules? Maybe I made a typo?? I hope you can help. Sorry for the trouble.

            • Daru


              Hey there!

              It’s mostly because it doesn’t need to use the full structure all the time. It may be followed by ことだが, が, けど, and similar expressions, to add the nuance of ‘but’.

              Adding こと nominalizes what comes before it to further contrast or make a point, as you can see in this sentence:



              It goes without saying that if you practice kanji everyday, you will steadily memorize them.

              The ‘that if you…’ nuance is what こと adds.

              That’s why the answer in that specific sentence needs to be けど.

              Hope this helps!

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