Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 6: 19/24


Even if…is the case, Supposing that

Sometimes seen as「たとい」


たとえ + Verb[ても]
たとえ + [い]Adjective[ても]
たとえ + [な]Adjective + でも
たとえ + Noun + でも


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About たとえ〜ても

たとえ, coming from (たと)える, a る - Verb meaning 'to speak figuratively', is a word in Japanese that is often used with ても (or でも), in order to present possibilities. たとえ is primarily seen at the beginning of a sentence, before some kind of possibility, comparison, or supposition will be stated.
  • 空手(からて)ではたとえ試合(しあい)()ても、ガッツポーズてはいけない
    Even if you win in a karate competition, you should not celebrate visibly.
  • たとえ(あつ)ても(むし)(はい)てくるのでこの(まど)()ない(くだ)さい。
    Even if it is hot, bugs will come in, so please do not open this window.
  • たとえ()でも、そんなことされたら(きら)になる。
    Even if I like them, if someone says such a thing, I will start to dislike them.
  • たとえ電車(でんしゃ)も30(ぷん)はかかる。
    Even by train, it will take at least 30 minutes.
たとえ tends to be used to present situations where 'even if they were true, (B) still may/may not happen'. This is called a 'contrastive' example. もし on the other hand tends to be used for examples in which (A) will directly result in (B). This is called a 'resultative' example.
  • たとえ来年(らいねん)までに完成(かんせい)したとしても(なか)(はい)(みせ)()まっていないから来年(らいねん)(じゅう)はオープンされないだろう
    Even if it is completed by next year, the shops that it is going in have not been decided, so it is unlikely that they will open next year.
  • もし今年(ことし)(じゅう)モール工事(こうじ)()わったら来年(らいねん)(あたま)はオープンするはず。
    If the construction for the mall finishes within this year, it should open at the beginning of next year.


  • たとえ(ゆき)()らなくても、スノーボードをしに()

    Even if it doesn't snow, I'm going snowboarding.

    • たとえ(かれ)(ふと)ても力士(りきし)にならないだろう。(かれ)相撲(すもう)()きではないから。

      Even if he gains weight, he will never be a sumo wrestler. He's just not cut out for it.

      • たとえコーヒーを5(はい)()でも眠気(ねむけ)()れない。

        Even if I drink 5 cups of coffee, I can't get rid of this sleepiness.

        • たとえあなた()かなくても(ぼく)()きます。

          Even if you don't go, I will.

          • たとえ(うれ)ても(わら)ってはいけない(とき)ある

            There are times when you cannot laugh, even if you are happy.

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            たとえ〜ても – Grammar Discussion

            Most Recent Replies (9 in total)

            • nekoyama


              たとえ is an expression that allows us to indicate the direction we’re going in at the beginning of the sentence. Because it adds direction beyond the bare minimum, it can also emphasise the “even if” aspect. I’d not compare it to ても as such, but rather to other similar expressions like もし or 仮に.

              たとえA - I’m going to talk about something that is true anyway. Even if the extreme and/or low probability A also were to be true, that would not change anything.

              仮にA - I’m going to talk about a hypothetical situation that might or might not happen if A is true. The main point I want you to understand right now is that it’s all hypothetical.

              もしA - I’m going to talk about a hypothetical situation where A is true, but the main thing I’m interested in and want to talk about is what happens in that case where A is true.

              In English, we can say something like “even if A, B” and we don’t need to do much to connect A and B. Even if we leave out the comma it kind of still...

            • Clornhole


              Alright, that makes sense. I had forgotten it before my original reply, but I had the same confusion with もし too, so I’m glad you included it in your reply.
              I think it might help me out–with my English-orientated brain–to mentally add parentheses around the たとえ, sort of like one does for English phrases like “for instance”, “case in point”, “for example”, or many sentence opening adverbs like “additionally”.
              I really appreciate the effort you put into your reply; it’s been a great help!

            • Buby690


              Please does that mean with にしても, he is most likely to gain weight but with たとえーでも he is unlikely to gain weight

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