Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 8: 5/23


As…then, In proportion to, (Along) with


Verb[る]+ つれ
Noun + つれ


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About につれて

につれて, or ()れて when using kanji, is an expression that may be translated as 'as (A), then (B)', or 'in proportion to (A), (B)'. It is formed through the use of the case marking particle , the る - Verb ()れる 'to take along', and the conjunction particle て. Literally, the translation is similar to 'being taken along with (A), (B)', or 'in tow with (A), (B)'.
につれて will be used after the plain, non-past form of verbs, or nouns.
  • 毎日(まいにち)運転(うんてん)するにつれてどんどん運転(うんてん)(きら)になってきた
    Along with driving everyday, I am starting to dislike it more and more.
  • (なつ)になるにつれて()(のぼ)(はや)くなってきた
    Along with it becoming summer, the time the sun comes up is getting earlier.
  • (いぬ)成長(せいちょう)につれて食欲(しょくよく)()わる。
    As the dog grows, how much he eats changes (in proportion).
  • 時代(じだい)変化(へんか)につれて食文化(しょくぶんか)()わる。
    As the times change, food culture also changes.
As ()れる is a transitive verb, (A) につれて (B) implies that (A) is causing (B) to happen simultaneously. This does not have to be something that (A) is purposely doing (although it may be), just a 'domino' type effect, where (A) is considered the instigator.
  • (ふゆ)になるにつれて太陽(たいよう)(しず)時間(じかん)(はや)くなる。
    Along with it becoming winter, the time the sun sets gets earlier. (Natural, as winter directly affects the time the sun sets)
  • (ふゆ)になるにつれて(いぬ)成長(せいちょう)ていく
    In tow with it becoming winter, the dog grows more. (Unnatural, as there is no relationship)


  • こちら()(おお)きくなるにつれて(かげ)(ひろ)がる。

    As these trees grow tall, their shade spreads.

    • 子供(こども)成長(せいちょう)につれて性格(せいかく)()わる。

      Along with their growth, the personality of children changes.

      • 結婚式(けっこんしき)()げる()(ちか)づくにつれて色々(いろいろ)不安(ふあん)になってきた。

        With our wedding day drawing nearer, I am starting to feel anxious about various things.

        • ()がたつにつれて怪我(けが)悪化(あっか)してきた。

          As the days go by, my injury gets worse and worse.

          • (すす)につれて(みち)がどんどん(せま)なるから心配(しんぱい)になってきた。

            As I continued on, the road grew increasingly more narrow, so I started to feel anxious.

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